The ultimate sales combination: Automations, with a human touch
When it comes to sales, conversions are everything. If you’re not converting your trade prospects into sales, you are missing out on revenue that your competitors may be grabbing. And when it comes to trade-credit applications adequately identifying, evaluating, and engaging with potential customers increases conversions exponentially. While the human touch can help along the way.
Let’s look at your customer’s buying cycle

In the context of a trade-credit application for a B2B sale, the three phases of the buying cycle could be:
- Recognising: The SME becomes aware they have a need. It may be the tradie needing tools or the bar wanting your craft beer. They are aware of their need (or want)!
- Considering: Once the small company has identified this need, the owner will consider their options. They may be thinking about getting some credit for their purchase. It could be using their credit card (yikes!), using BNPL (ouch!) or using trade credit (yay!). They are comparing your product and service with others and looking at the ease with which they can access trade credit.
- Deciding: In this final phase, they decide that they would like to buy your product and would LOVE to have trade credit to do so. It’s a teetering decision. If they get frustrated with the length or difficulty of the application, they may drop out. But, on the other hand, they may complete the entire process AND get approved for trade credit, and a further decision needs to be made: to use it.
For every part of these phases you can use automation which will help streamline the trade-credit application process, reduce manual labour (and errors) and provide a far better customer experience (Read: 5 Big Benefits for Automating Your Trade-Credit Processes).
But, picture this:
You have all of your channels working tickety-boo to generate trade-sales leads. Your websites are getting applications, your salesforce is signing trade-credit applications, and your locations (like stores) are seeing applications coming through.
High fives you have two of the three stages working: Recognising and Considering.
But what about the forgotten Decision stage?
The decision-making stage is the final conversion stage of the buyer’s journey. This is decision time. And this is the time that your customer might really REALLY want to talk to a human.
Imagine having a team of highly trained sales professionals, with the right tools at their fingertips (i.e. 1Centre) calling those prospects to nurture them through this all important decision phase.
A call centre staff member can provide a personalised experience for customers and help build a stronger relationship between you and your customer. This can help increase customer loyalty and retention over time.
Here are three benefits of including a call centre in your sales pipeline to convert, convert, convert!
- Getting the detail right: Call centre operators can provide detailed information about your trade-credit process and terms, which can help potential customers make informed decisions. Plus the Call operators can guide the prospect through the process step-by-step. By handholding and providing clear information, Call operators can help overcome application jitters. In addition, taking the time to ensure that all issues related to trade credit are managed effectively not only mitigates risk but also provides sound financial safeguards while ensuring compliance with relevant legalities.
- Building relationships: Call operators will build relationships with prospects by providing personalised attention and addressing their concerns. This can help build trust and rapport, which can be a critical factor in closing sales. They can also qualify trade-sales leads by asking targeted questions to determine a prospect’s level of interest, budget, timeline, and decision-making process while talking them through the process toward sale completion.
- Facilitating sales: Call operators will help boost conversions. They can call applicants who may not have completed all of their information to fast-track the application process. Call operators can also contact successful trade credit applicants to find out how they are using that approved trade credit. This, in turn, will boost revenues coming from this channel.
You can focus on the Decision stage by having a Contact Centre of trained professionals ready for outbound and inbound closing.

If you want to start converting more prospects into sales, ask the 1Centre team to show you how your operators can go live with our new Call Centre module.
It includes …
- Visibility: See all trade sales leads coming through in real-time – from everywhere
- Efficiency: Quickly spot incomplete applications
- On time every time: All contact information for each applicant is readily available so the operator can quickly call, text or email.
- Streamlined: A one click process for your Call Centre Operator to access and view real time what your prospect has in front of them.
When it comes to trade-credit sales, adequately identifying, evaluating, and engaging with potential leads increases conversions exponentially. That is why call centres are an important channel for acquiring new credit customers.
Click here to book a consultation, and we will show you how! Someone ring the bell!
Read more articles related to this topic:
- CFO’s: What’s the difference between trade-credit and extended payment terms?
- Improving the Economy is a Team Sport: Why Supporting Small Businesses is a Prosocial Movement
- The age of ‘Digital Self-Serve’ enables trade credit sales channels
- 5 factors to look for in your trade-credit software
- Three Big Conundrums for Today’s Credit Managers
- Omni-channel: Customer Choice is Paramount in trade
- The importance of visibility in your sales pipeline
- 3 MORE common sales funnel mistakes
- Checklist for a successful sales pipeline
- Trade Credit: How to get paid what you are owed
- Why lead nurturing is vital to your success
- 3 key ways to boost efficiency in your sales pipeline
- 4 sales pipeline considerations for a new business
- How to help customers make decisions