Checklist for a successful sales pipeline

This checklist is designed to help you organise your sales pipeline and ensure you have all the tools in place to create a streamlined experience for leads and new customers. Depending on the type of business, you will choose only the stages that are required.

Initial contact with lead

  • Lead assigned to sales rep.
  • Lead scored based on currently available information.
  • Lead may enter automated sales email/SMS sequence.
  • Sales rep initiates contact:
  1. Type of contact may differ depending on the lead score (phone call vs email).
  2. Problem identified.
  3. Decision-maker identified (or advocate, if decision-maker isn’t able to speak with rep).

Fact-finding/further qualification

  • Qualifying checklist completed.
  • Budget restraints identified.
  • Sales rep identifies decision-making process with lead, and ensures they’re speaking to the right person.
  • Sales rep collects additional information they need.

Develop and Present Solution

  • Sales rep puts together package / deal / onboarding strategy for the lead.
  • Deal presented to the lead (via email / meeting / phone call)
  • Onboarding process outlined and defined.
  • Lead suggests amendments or clarifications.
  • Lead confirms decision to proceed.

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