The Top 5 Benefits of Storing Data in the Cloud
Gathering relevant data and storing it in the cloud, to better understand your business and its customers has now become imperative. Data helps you solve current problems, as well as make better strategic decisions. With the collection of critical data comes the essential responsibility and need of storing it in a safe, secure and easily accessible place.
Cloud storage is a key element of a modern business as it provides two essential functions – the ability to share data and collaborate with ease; and a place to store, manage, and archive data at scale. This platform enables data to be accessed on demand, anywhere and at any time, with the click of a button. It eliminates the need to buy and manage your own data storage infrastructure, whilst facilitating agility, scalability, data security and durability.
Cloud storage is typically a pay-as-you-go service model in which data is stored in an off-site facility and is delivered to on-site users via the Internet. Applications access cloud storage through traditional storage protocols or directly via an Application Programming Interface (API).
The major benefits of using cloud storage described by Amazon Web Services (AWS)* and MilesWeb are:
#1 Transparency of Total Cost and Flexibility of Ownership.
With cloud storage, there is no hardware to purchase, assign actual storage space, or a need for emergency capital to be factored in for large-scale emergency scenarios. Businesses can add or remove storage capacity on demand, efficiently change performance and only pay for storage that is actually used.
#2 Time to Deployment.
Cloud storage allows IT development teams to quickly deliver the exact amount of storage needed, right when it’s needed. This allows personnel to focus on solving complex application problems instead of having to manage work involving storage.
#3 Disaster Recovery.
It is always advised that every business have a backup plan in case of an emergency. The loss of critical business data can have huge losses to any organisation. Cloud storage is the perfect back up plan for organisations. It creates a backup of all the files stored. These files are then stored at a remote location and they can be retrieved and accessed when necessary.
#4 Information Management.
Centralizing storage in the cloud helps with managing compliance and information management policies, as well as automates the routine data management tasks such as backup and recovery of data. These features create a huge leverage point for any business, particularly new and growing ventures.
#5 Collaboration.
Storing data in the cloud is an ideal way to collaborate and engage multiple individuals/teams. Having data in the cloud enables personnel to access, edit and collaborate. People can access the cloud anywhere around the globe and collaborate in real time. Data stored in the cloud can also be easily shared with colleagues and clients in an easy and secure way.

Storing data in the cloud and having a backup is advantageous for all types of entities. No matter the size, industry or location, businesses will benefit immensely and create efficiencies across the organisation.
Cloud storage is a great way to store data where it does not require any large investments and it can be actively used for connecting and engaging personnel within a business. If you opt to store data in a cloud environment, you will be entitled to benefits such as faster information deployment, less management and less supervision, having peace of mind and not needing any manual intervention.
Online cloud storage also enables you to completely focus on your work without the fear of data loss. It will give you have more time and enable you to shift your focus in achieving your business goals.
Due to the many global complexities around data ownership, where data is stored and how long it needs to be stored for, it helps to partner with the best cloud storage provider in market. For 1Centre this is AWS, giving us peace of mind and customer confidence.
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